Category: Personal

  • Top Travel Blogs to Read in 2015

    Top Travel Blogs to Read in 2015

    One of my favorite things about being a blogger is the incredible travel blogging community. I’m constantly amazed every day with incredibly talented, creative, thoughtful writers who share amazing experiences, & have me in deep wanderlust on a daily basis. One of my New Year’s resolution is to read more in 2015. If this is one of…

  • My New Year’s Travel Resolutions

    My New Year’s Travel Resolutions

    How is it the new year already? It seems like 2014 flew by all too fast, which is probably okay to most of you, as I’ve heard more than a few people wishing 2014 “good riddance & don’t let the door hit you in the you-know-what on the way out.” ‘Tis the season for new…

  • Giving Thanks

    Today in America, we celebrate the holiday of Thanksgiving. This means that we eat a lot of food (mostly turkey, mashed potatoes & glorious amounts of pie), watch football, argue about politics & religion with relatives who we only see a few times a year &, most importantly, give thanks for all that we have.…

  • Thank You, Veterans

    Thank You, Veterans

    The world calls it Armistice Day, but here in America we call it Veterans Day. November 11 is a day we set aside to thank our nation’s military veterans who have served so bravely. My own brother served in the U.S. Air Force for six years right out of high school & I’m forever thankful…

  • 13 Years Later, We Remember

    13 Years Later, We Remember

    How has it been 13 years? It feels like just yesterday. Today, we remember the terrible events of September 11, 2001 & all those who were lost on that tragic day.

  • Creating New Travel Traditions

    Creating New Travel Traditions

    When B was growing up, every summer from when he was six months old through high school graduation, his parents loaded up the family in the RV to head to Sandusky to camp at Cedar Point. His childhood summers were full of traditions: riding the Junior Gemini with his brother until they puked, stuffing his…