Category: Personal

  • Oh, travel: Transportation

    Oh, travel: Transportation

    Inspired by my husband, who often bikes to work, I have recently taken up cycling. While pedaling away on a long ride the other day, I was thinking about all the various modes of transportation that one encounters while they’re traveling. My own experiences are almost too numerous to count, but on top of mind, I’ve taken: a…

  • Personal: a yearning

    Personal: a yearning

    The other day, I was talking with a friend about the travel I’m doing this year & all the ideas for future travel that have been swimming around in my head. My friend commented that we (my husband & I) seem to travel a lot, which I agreed with. She went on to say that…

  • Oh, Travel: Hotels

    Oh, Travel: Hotels

    If you know anything about how I travel, you know I love hotels. No, you know I’m obsessed with hotels. In my mind, the hotel is almost as important as the trip itself. A good hotel can make a great trip fantastic. A bad hotel can put a damper on even the best trip. While…

  • Oh, Travel: Eating locally

    Oh, Travel: Eating locally

    One of my foremost travel commandments is one I learned from my father at a young age: thou shall not eat at chain restaurants when traveling. If you can get it at home, you shouldn’t be eating it there. My two exceptions to this rule: coffee shops & road trip food. While I would prefer…

  • So the oxygen masks really do work

    So the oxygen masks really do work

    I have flown a lot over my 29 years. Long flights & short flights. Domestic & international. Big planes & really dinky planes. Flying is pretty routine these days & usually happens with such little excitement. But Friday we finally got the excitement we were looking for.My husband & I decided, rather last minute, to…

  • Tourist


    tour·ist [toor-ist] – noun 1. a person who is traveling, especially for pleasure. trav·el·er [trav-uh-ler, trav-ler] – noun 1. a person or thing that travels. 2. a person who travels or has traveled in distant places or foreign lands. No one really wants to be a tourist when they travel, right? The word has such…