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Whether you’re on your way to grandma’s, the beach or Disneyland, most summer vacations start in the car.
At least, those were the kinds of trips I took as a kid. Getting up before dawn, loading up the car with all your gear (how could I possibly go on vacation without my roller blades, boogie board, soccer ball, and snorkel?!) and hitting the open road was my favorite summer ritual.
The journey was the best part. My brother and I would make beds-slash-forts in the back of the car. We’d come up with songs to annoy our parents. And don’t forget rocking out to that awesome 90s pop music! Yup, we were living the dream.
But I never felt quite like the vacation had begun until we got off the highway and pulled up to a roadside diner, fruit stand or truck stop for a bite to eat.
Every trip has one. Bob’s Big Boy, Waffle House, a mom ‘n pop shop, or simply taking advantage of finally being awake when McDonald’s serves breakfast! These roadside joints take on a special role in your vacation traditions. Like a rooster heralding the dawn, you’re not truly on vacation until you stop at your spot.

Even now, at the ripe old age of 26, I relish the road trip pit stop. My partner Nick & I did a big Western road trip in summer 2009 which began with the iconic Route 66 through Arizona and New Mexico. As much as I cherish my childhood pit stop memories, I have to say Route 66 takes the cake when it comes to roadside eats. There was Mr. D’z Diner with the best homemade root beer I’ve ever tasted, Bigfoot BBQ in the bottom of a department store in Flagstaff with the yummiest tri-tip this side of Texas, and countless burger joints everywhere else. Each time we stopped I was filled with good food, interesting conversation and the feeling of a great summer road trip in the making.

When we tell people stories about that road trip, we of course gush about the Grand Canyon, the Tetons and Old Faithful. But some of my fondest memories, the ones that really make me remember this wonderful summer vacation, are the ones that took place in a booth just off the highway.
We had such a great time that we did another road trip in summer 2010, this time all the way from LA to DC. We took the northern route: enjoying diners outside Zion National Park, great steaks in Omaha, pie shakes in Iowa City, beer next to The Big House in Ann Arbor, and overpriced fries overlooking Niagara Falls. Of course, we also experienced some of the country’s greatest natural wonders and met up with friends along the way. But I do relish the fact that I can now recommend good eats in at least 22 states. :)

And now I’m hungry and craving a drive! Off to find a roadside joint and get that magic summer vacation feeling bubbling up inside me.
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