A few weeks ago, we spent a weekend in the small town of Gettysburg, PA. This tiny town is best known for the three bloody days that happened here in July 1863, the deadliest battle of the American Civil War. Inspirationally, it’s also known for the Gettysburg Address, a two-minute speech delivered by President Lincoln at the dedication of the Soldiers’ National Cemetery. The speech is often considered the finest in the English language.
While we didn’t spend much time at the Battlefield this trip, we’ve previously really enjoyed touring the area. You can even hire an official tour guide to ride in your car with you as you drive through the battlefield. Every time I visit a Civil War site, I am always struck by the enormity of everything. It’s almost impossible to imagine thousands of young men, marching in summer heat across rolling hills. 51,000 casualties at the battle – which includes dead, missing, captured & wounded – is such a staggering number it’s hard to think about in present day terms. So if you find yourself in Central Pennsylvania, I highly recommend a stop at the Gettysburg National Military Park to appreciate the sacrifice of generations before us.

That’s interesting!