Just 20 minutes north of the little college town of Ithaca, New York is a beautiful state park which is home to one of the state’s highest waterfalls. Taughannock State Park is on the west side of Cayuga Lake, in the small town of Ulysses. Taughannock Falls fall 215′ down the cliff side, making it the highest waterfall in the northeast & a full 30′ taller than Niagara Falls.

The best thing about visiting the park is how accessible the waterfall is. The hiking path is a wide, flat .75 miles, meaning if you can walk, you can make it to this majestic wonder. We wore hiking shoes so that we could check out other trails, but a decent pair of tennis shoes will do you just fine on the Gorge Trail.

After checking out the falls from the base, be sure & follow the road around to the overlook for a stunning look at the falls from the top of the rim.

Taughannock Falls State Park’s namesake waterfall is one of the outstanding natural attractions of the Northeast.
We have some shots of the same falls. Amazing how different they look depending on the weather. Beautiful photos!
Great photos. I love waterfalls. I’ve only “hiked” one!
I love how every waterfall is compared to Niagara–and comes out better in some way! Ha!
Also: beautiful, beautiful photos!!!
I’ve always wanted to visit Ithaca. Which is silly, because it is a four hour drive from me. I’ve not visited yet why, exactly?
We actually didn’t love Ithaca, but the entire town is under construction right now. So I’d wait until next year to visit :)
Great photos and looks like it was a beautiful hike by the falls.
I haven’t heard about Taughannock Falls State Park before but wish I did earlier. Next time I’m in the state, I’ll head there. If I can’t be by the ocean, being by a stunning waterfall like this is a close second.
Gorgeous photos! Looks like a perfect escape from the city. I really love the views from the rim–sounds like a fun and relaxing day out hiking!
Those rock faces and cliffs are so cool – they would look more at home somewhere in the southwest than in New York of all places!