Category: Personal

  • A pause

    A pause

    I recently took a little poll of my Twitter followers to see who had a “real” job that was totally non-travel related. I was surprised to find out that a lot of travelers who I admire, including two who will be guest blogging here next week, don’t actually work in the travel industry full time.…

  • Happy Valentine’s Day

    Happy Valentine’s Day

    Happy Valentine’s Day, my lovely blog readers. Rather than engage in all the romantic hoop-la that is today, why don’t you just head over to the wonderful Inn the Kitchen blog, where I’m guest blogging about a particularly romantic anniversary trip to Seattle a few years ago. Much cheaper than a dozen flowers & much…

  • Oh, Travel: Optional Airline Fees

    Oh, Travel: Optional Airline Fees

    A semi-regular column of my thoughts/opinions/rants on the latest travel news, trends & experiences. There has been much to-do the past year or so about airline fees: $50 for a checked bag here, $40 for a carry on bag there, $10 to use the bathroom (okay, not really. Although we all know RyanAir will get…

  • Published!


    A few weeks ago the Orange County Register contacted me to see if they could use one of my photos in an article for their Travel section on “America’s Best Breakfasts.” I was excited about this for two reasons:1. I love sharing my photos with people who wouldn’t normally get to see them, like people…

  • Since every day should be Veterans Day…

    Since every day should be Veterans Day…

    … I don’t feel guilty posting my Veterans Day post four days late. Thank you to all the brave men & women who have served & continue to serve our great nation. The sacrifice you & your families make to protect our freedoms can’t possibly be appreciated enough. We are the land of the free…

  • We Remember… We Must Never Forget

    We Remember… We Must Never Forget

    Nine years ago (how has it been nine years?), my life, as well as all Americans, was profoundly changed. None of us will forget where we were (sitting in a political communications class at Florida State University, having just started my sophomore year), how we felt (overwhelmed & angry), or the immediate days afterward (there…