“What do you mean you’ve never seen the giant spoon with a cherry on it?!,” I exclaimed to B as we sat around my grandparents dining room table, nursing coffee on a quiet Saturday morning.
“I haven’t either,” my grandmother chimed in from the kitchen.
Incredulous, I knew we had our plan for the day: off to the Walker Art Center we would go, to see Minnesota’s most famous (infamous?) piece of art: Spoonbridge and Cherry.

Luckily, our timing couldn’t have been better: it was one of those perfect bright blue sky Minnesota days. We ambled up to the giant spoon (which was actually smaller than I remember it) & marveled at the many visitors taking Leaning-Tower-of-Pisa-esque photos (pretending to bite the cherry, hold the cherry, flick the cherry).

We walked around the rest of the 11-acre garden, marveling at the various pieces of (giant-sized) modern sculpture & wondering more than once “how is that art?” (to each his own, we determined). B & I climbed up the stairs to the pedestrian overpass, which provided a nice bird’s eye view of the sculpture garden.

Admission to the sculpture garden is free & strolling along the hedge-lined paths almost feels like wandering through the Luxembourg Gardens. If you happen to be in Minneapolis on a beautiful day, it’s a great way to spend the afternoon.
This sounds like a fun sculpture…I love looking at sculptures in open spaces–especially quirky ones (such as the LOVE sign in NYC) and Chicago’s Lima Bean
The Bean is one of my favorite spots in the world! Have you seen the original LOVE sign in Philadelphia? It’s much smaller than it’s copy in NYC!