The Celebrity Equinox is a beautiful ship. Actually, I believe “stunning” is the word I used over & over again. Love cruising, hate cruising, this is a non-debatable fact. Not even three years old, there’s a reason this ship &…
FriFotos: Colorful
Come join the #FriFotos party over on Twitter, where today we’re all sharing colorful photos! Seems like the perfect way to welcome spring :)
Guest Post: Favorite Warm-Weather Destination: Kailua, Hawaii by Kit Whelan
Favorite Warm-Weather Destination: Kailua, Hawaii by Kit Whelan, digital nomad and author of Seek New Travel Follow Kit on Twitter at @kitwhelan There’s a mythical land of endless summer and sun, it’s name whispered from the chapped lips of cold…
Wordless Wednesday: Nassau, Bahamas
Nassau, Bahamas is one of the world’s most popular cruise ports (although we won’t be visiting it on this cruise!). Once you get past the duty-free shops & tourist bars, it’s a charming town full of British colonial history.P.S. There…
Guest Post: Olive Trail by Gordon Lethbridge
Olive Trail by Gordon Lethbridge In the tangled narrow streets of vieux Nice is Oliviera, a place anyone with a gastronomic interest in olives must visit. I have to admit I didn’t stumble upon it in a delightful serendipitous way…